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Turkish partner NGO
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Dear Partner,

Thank you for considering us for your project. As an organization we are fully dedicated to every project we take part in. Our experience is extensive, yet if we must improve – we improve.

When it comes to communication we are open & honest. If you would like to chat with us, don’t hesitate (find our contacts below).

                             Serik Youth ,Education,Cultur,Environment and Sport Association”
Antalya, Turkey


ERASMUS+ OID : E10182786

PIC                      : 922517240

Promoter's legal name (national language) SERGED-Serik Gençlik ,Eğitim,Kültür,Çevre ve Spor Derneği

Promoter's legal name (latin characters – if applicable) SERGED-Serik Youth Education, Culture, Environment and Sports Association

National ID number, if applicable


Legal address

1266 sokak no 5 c blok daire 5 serik-Antalya-Turkey  

Postal code






Web site       


Telephone              +905055626522

Person authorised to legally commit the promoter (legal representative)


Mr Family name   KARATAS

First name            Hulusi

Position                President


Person responsible for the implementation of the action (contact person)




Family name



First name






Email            ,




Profile of the Promoter




Type of organization


Activity level

 Local                     x







Serik Youth Education, Culture, Environment and Sports Association(SERGED ) is created to serves as a learning organization that gathers trainers, youth and adult learner, social workers, youth policy makers, experts, and volunteers with different levels of competences to actively be involved in the creation of civic activities with European dimension and with benefits for their local community.


At local level:

  • To promote equal educational and labour opportunities for all, particular attention is given to hard-to-reach groups;

  • Balanced integration of different ethnic groups by transnational projects and activities taking into account the multilingual character;

  • Promotes the intercultural dialogue, exchange of knowledge and European awareness through the active participation of youngsters;

  • Empower youth and youth structures through the development of initiatives to support personal, social and cultural development, with a focus on civic education, promotion of youth participation, intercultural learning and a community-centred approach through non-formal education methodologies.

  • Recognition of non-formal education and learning by the society and the state;

  • supports the development of young people through sports.

  • supports young people to learn different cultures through international mobility.

  • it creates opportunities for young people to learn innovative learning methods and use them in their career development.

At international level:

  •             Promoting lifelong learning as a tool to adapt to the constant changes and to achieve personal and professional growth;

  •             Involving youth in international educational, scientific,sport and  cultural exchange programs;

  •             Promoting intercultural dialogue through different initiatives and Programmes (Erasmus +, Europe for citizens, Creative Europe, etc.).

  •             Initiatives that develop opportunities for mutual understanding, intercultural learning solidarity, societal engagement and volunteering;

  • •Supporting projects promoted by transnational partnerships and networks directly involving citizens and addressing their needs to improve skills needed for the labour market.

Target group:

The organisation encounter more than 400 members and supporters who are youth workers, social workers, social volunteers, students, professors and social activists. Our youth members are people with different level of education and background. We have several volunteers who are ethnic Turkish and people with fewer opportunities - cultural, social and geographical obstacles. We work mostly with people 14 + years old and adults up to 55 years old.


Our local partners are two schools in in Serik and in Antalya and one State Youth Centre in Antalya which supports our initiatives and together we are working with and for the youth.


Activities performed by our staff:

debate/campaigns/actions on the themes of common interest in the larger framework of the rights; research and publication of informational materials and collaboration with organizations, institutions and individuals in the country and abroad. Further, we are organizing workshops, seminars, conferences and other national and international meetings on general and specific issues of the objectives of the organisation. SERGED is very active in the organization of education, training and retraining programs which aim at improving, developing and broadening knowledge, skills and competences.


We are present in all social media channels to disseminate the results of local and international projects: Facebook, Instagram, our webpage, local youth groups, schools, youth centres and sometimes media. Depends on the project we are involving as well third shareholders such as local business companies and state institutions (EandM Consulting, LegalTrek, Ministry of Youth and Sport).


Dear colleagues in this section you will read about the following experience of “SERGED”. Choose the section which is relevant to your project proposal. We are happy to answer to your specific questions.

1. Social work / youth work and inclusion of hard to reach groups;

2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation

3. Media literacy

4. Youth and Sport

5. Education and Cultur

6. Environment


Social work / youth work:

SERGED is implementing different local and international projects which aim at increasing personal development and facilitation skills of youth workers and leaders in order to be able to serves their day – to day activities with youths in schools and social centres. Through our network of international partners, we provide a ground to practice methods of facilitation with international and intercultural groups in workshops and activities based on non – formal education methodology. Throughout the process, we further straighten youth workers and youth leaders’ knowledge and actions to interfere in problem solving process and conflict resolution techniques. Our activities as well involve acknowledging skills and attitude to play an active role in society at the local, national and European level by being acquainted with the non-formal education methods and promote them in the field of youth work.

Second, SERGED is working at local level to educate youth leaders and workers on inclusion - how to include and engage in projects marginalized group and motivate young people to participate in trainings, volunteer initiatives locally or internationally; how to motivate them to stay with the organization, to feel valued and more engaged and responsible for the processes in the organization. In this regards we joined the project Innovation through volunteering aiming to enhance the capacity of NGOs to work with volunteers.


In our international network, we have organised study visits to promote and share best practices in the field of youth work in order to provide support to young people with fewer opportunities. We have designed TCs and YEs which focuses on strengthen effectiveness of work and involving youth. We are using a variety of working methods based on non-formal learning, coaching, dynamic exercises, role plays, games, brainstorming, simulations, case studies based on a creativity, we aim to inspire participants to enhance skills related to: intercultural dialogue, creative entrepreneurship, social project for youth, situation on modern labor market, empowering of active civic life.

Not the last, in Turkey non – formal education and youth work is not yet recognised; thus, we participate at local and international level in debating on the importance of social recognition of youth work and non-formal activities and to: 1) promote the recognition of young people’s skills and learning acquired through participation in youth work activities; 2) raise the visibility of youth work, its impact on young people’s lives and its contribution to society.



SERGED has staff whose education background is business and entrepreneurship development, which helps the organisation to foster their credo in training and exchange of know-how in the field of (social) entrepreneurship, start –up, project management, event management, soft skills development and others topics relevant to young people boosting their educational and professional background in the field. At local level we are organising trainings, seminars, workshops and exchanges which are directly targeting youths who want to get empowered, learn how to plan and run their businesses, providing them with simulation methods to test their ideas, and enhancing their knowledge in management.

We create a network of youth in terms of exchanging entrepreneurial skills and experience, to raise awareness on entrepreneurship and boost youth initiatives, to motivate youth and raise self-confidence to develop and present ideas, to encourage each other and promote youth activism, to improve entrepreneurial, employability skills and attitudes.


to work for the safeguard of the natural environment and for its enhancement through the implementation of: awareness campaigns to protect the environment; protection initiatives and events, educational projects for the promotion and development of an environmental sensibility among youngsters also in collaboration with local schools.

Education :

The areas more relevant are the ones dedicated to Youth, Migration, gender equalities, Education, Entrepreneurship, all of VET Courses  . We are active in realizing projects the create a connection youth and job market. We promote many training courses in European policies. SERGED is active also in managing trainings on leadership and mentoring for youth and adults.


 provide opportunities for gatherings and cultural growth through: training and documentation of cultural activities, dissemination activities of cultural concepts; organization of events such as seminars, exhibitions, conferences, book presentations, plays and concerts.


The pleasure of movement and the desire to promote sport as one of the basic elements of a healthy lifestyle have brought us together. We started to become a team by running in a group and, especially, by participating at organizing events dedicated to sport.


For the purpose of, we have developed different manuals to support the learning:
Creative thinking 

 Public speaking 

 Time management and personal
Emotional intelligence 


Soft skills: 


Massive Open Online Courses on topics of Creativity and Entrepreneurship:


SERGED is very active at international level, too because this is how we can up-to-date our knowledge and also exchange with partners know-how and methodology. Throughout the year we took part in partnership’s projects in almost all 27 EU member countries, which means that we exchanged various of best practices internationally and also learned how other NGOs work on with the topic.


Skills of the staff

Skills of the people who are working in the organization include:

  • managerial skills

  • cognitive and problem-solving skills

  • social and communication advanced competences

  • commuter literacy

  • conflict management

  • organizational management,

  • leadership skills


Hulusi KARATAŞ: (Project Trainer/ Program Adviser:

He is a teacher and trainer of SERGED

Atanas has been working on youth and non-formal education since 2006 and has substantial experience as participant, facilitator and organizer of youth projects in the framework of the Erasmus+ and Youth in Action programs. In addition to participating in over 20 youth exchanges and 10 training courses and 1 training of trainers. Atanas has been an organizer of over 10 such. He also completed his EVS service in 2014, serving on a project in Portugal.

Atanas has been a trainer in Erasmus+ projects and other conferences such as Model United Nations and Model European Union. He is currently working in Turkey start – up Legal Trek and he is couching business and entrepreneurship.

Sezgin Akış:

He is a teacher and trainer of sport as physical education of Teacher .

He has more experiences about sport training and activites open or closed halls sports (wrestling and athletism and futboll and basketball and hendball and tennis and golf )



Talha MALACI: (Assistant project- coordinator

Talha Malacı  started as a volunteer in our organisation. At the moment, He is holding a position of assistant project coordinator. Behind herself he has around 20 projects as a participant and more than 5 as a coordinator, mostly projects which have been implemented by Association SERGED. As well, she is assisting with the drafting of new project proposals, implementation of projects at local and international level and as well facilitation.



In our organisation there are many volunteers that have different experience in the field of non-formal learning. They are keen to learn and share their experiences with others. Our volunteers are experienced in international projects being group/team leaders or/and facilitators. Usually we are sending to a project one participant that is actively involved in our inside organisation in order to disseminate results on behalf of our NGO. Later on this person shares the results inside of the organization, helps to organize a follow up events and continues the relation. Our participants are experienced in social communication, communication with community using social networks and other tools of dissemination, etc which helps us to select always the right person for your project.


Adres :Prof  Yaşar UÇAR caddesi Zabıta Binası Kat :2 No:204

Serik-Antalya -TÜRKİYE

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